People are thought to have shown up in Australia around an years ago. The first occupants, who have relatives right up 'til today, are known as natives. In the eighteenth century, the native population was around 300,000. The natives, who have been depicted on the other hand as roaming tracker finders and fire-stick ranchers (known for utilizing fire to clear the brush and draw in grass-eating animals as opposed to developing the land), settled principally in the all around watered seaside regions. A few spectators accept that helpless treatment of the climate by natives over numerous hundreds of years may have prompted the fruitless idea of a large part of the Australian inside. Higher types of warm blooded animals never arrived at Australia on the grounds that the land connect from Asia stopped to exist around 50 million years prior.
9 Australia's Name Facts
1.The name "Australia" comes from the Latin word australis, "south."
2.It was first used in the name of Terra Australis Incognito, an imaginary land called Unknown Southern Land, nearly two thousand years ago.
3. In 1606, the Portuguese explorer Pedro Fernandes de Queirós made the first recorded use of the name Australia.
4. The Netherlands seafarer Abel Tasman chartered the coast and named it New Holland in 1644.
5.The name New Holland was used in the south until the middle of the 1850s.
6.When the British first settled in 1788, the whole country was re-labeled as New South Wales until the 135th meridian east longitude.
7.The rest was still called New Holland.
In 1803 the English explorer Matthew Flinders was the first to circumnavigate and map the entire continent. He suggested that the whole continent by called Australia.
8.Finally, in 1824, the British Admiralty agreed that the continent should be officially called Australia.
9.The official name for the country of Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia.